Kailash Yatra

Kailash yatra in Bhaderwah starts every year from Gatha (Previously named Ghoshta) to Kailash Kund. Every year this yatra starts in the month of Bhadu on Dewadshi Thethi in krishan pakh according to Bikrami Samwat (i.e. in late days of August).
Shri Vasuki Nag , reached Kailash kund at the time when Garoodh Ji had challanged him to fight , as Garood Ji wanted to kill Shri Vasuki Nag Ji. Instead of fighting With Garoodh ji, Shri Vasuki Nag Ji ran away to avoid the fight to keep Garoodh's promise which he had made to his mother Vaneeta. Both Vasuki Nag ji and Garood ji were the sons of great Saint Maharishi Kashyp
Route Of Yatra
This Yatra Starts form one of the oldest temple of Shri Vasuki Nag Ji (at village Gatha). It starts i morning with beating of Drums, blowing of flutes amidst the shouting of religious slogans by the people like "JAI BOLO NAGE BASKE KI JAI... JAI BOLO NAGE BASKE KI JAI... JO BOLE GA JAI KARA HOYE GA SATKARA BOL SACHE DARBAR KI JAI."
At about 2 kms away from Gatha, yatries wait for a short period for the mace of NAGAR TEMPLE (Which is durbar of the Maharaja Vasuki Nag ji). Then yatra proceed further towards Village SUNGLI having spring of cold water called Kali Nag and belived to be the base of Mountain. After a short rest and some tea at Sungli Yatries Start climbing mountain towards Kailash (known as KABLAS by locals).
In the middle of mountain a plain path which yatries cover to reach HANYIEN. Here Yatra take rest at night on first day of yatra. Hanyien is just above the Nalthi Village. It is Charming small plain spot which was having a temple in past. At about Noon yatra reaches at "Jiggar Gudh" a small stream in the forest at the base of an other mountain "Gow Paeda" (a straight rocky strip) named as such because Shri Vasuki Nag ji had climbed this strip after becoming cow. (Called Gow in Bhaderwah).
After finishing the heights of Gow Paeda yatra passes in a groups throught wild flowers growing over a slope called "Ram Tund" which yatries climb to reach the peak of this hill. There is a green valley over the peak of this hill top, having some Gujjar Huts. Some yatries pith their tents in this valley. Some proceed ahead along with the holy "mace" (Known as Chadi or Nishani).
After this yatra reaches the "Gan Thuck" a very beautiful spot with the scenic beauty of "Seojdhar" and adjoining areas. This is the Spot where where Shri Vasuki Nag ji has changed his form to a honeybee called "Gan" in Bhaderwahi Dialect. Yatra takes rest here for some time takes tea etc. There are no trees onwards, only green grass and shrubs.
After "Gan Thuck" yatra reaches near slope of green grasses, frome where one can see the whole Bhaderwah Valley and Mountain tops of Padder hills (Called as Dharmi and Papi hills by people). On the way yatra comes across two big stones and a small stone each attached to them as perthe story the were two "Dev Kanyas" (Daughters of Gods) who had come to collect flowers and herbs, but they made fun of Shri Vasuki Nag Ji when he was running deadly tired. Shri Vasuki Nag Ji got annoyed and cursed them to become stones and they are still in the form of stones which were named as "Shagereene" (Herb collectors).
Raja Jeemuth Vahan met Shri Vasuki Nag Ji and promised him save him till his soul is there is his body. Shri Vasuki Nag Ji reached Shankh Padhar and threw his Shunkh to get water out of the land for quenching his thrust that is why the spot is named as Shankh Padhar.
Soon after quenching his thrust, shri Vasuki Nag Ji went to Kailash Kund, near kund he became hungry and took green grass which became sweet and it is taken as parshad by yatries at present. Then after reaches at Kund Shri Vasuki Nag Ji prayed Lord Shiva who was residing there at Kund with his family. Lord Shiva became happy by the prayers of Shri Vasuki Nag Ji and assured Safety of Nag Ji and Left to Mani Mahesh as mentioned in 9th part of "Vasuki Puran".
Yatries take bath in the cold water of lake. they worship[ the lake, Lord Shiva and Shri Vasuki Nag Ji. Yatra takes about 2 to 3 days.
Kailash in Bhaderwah is called "Kablas". It is a big lake situated at a height of 14241 ft. from sea level. It is beautiful, Pure having ice cold clear fresh water lake, surrounded by mountains and glaciers. There are many such kunds, some are large like Kailash, Rishi dals and Kal dals (Dal means Lake), some are small kunds among the surrounding hillocks and rocks.